Thursday, November 29, 2012

Grand Opening!

I think since I last blogged, we were busily trying to get the last minute things done to open up our online boutique (  Our goal was to open in time for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  We managed to do that and had three sales before the end of the weekend!  Woohoo!!!  Naturally, we aren’t able to retire from our day jobs and run COTS full time but, let me tell you, dreams of cranberries were dancing in our heads.

Of course we’re still working on some major details such as getting our main website up and running - yeesh what a nightmare for the tech challenged.  Once the dust settles, we’re hoping to have our online boutique, blog and website in one location.  Keep your fingers crossed that happens soon.

In the meantime, we just love this time of year and never think there’s enough hours in the day to get it all done.  I have half of the Christmas decorating done, baking still to do and, of course, filling all the COTS orders we’re getting either online or in-person.  If you’re local to the Phoenix Valley, we’ll be back at the Central Farmers Market on Saturday 12/1, 12/8 and 12/15.  We have the BEST $20 and under gifts for everyone on your list so check us out and tell a friend.

Through all the holiday hustle and bustle take time to enjoy each other and the sights and smell of the season. 

Merry Christmas!

Brenda and Julie

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