Tuesday, October 23, 2012


It’s the most wonderful time of the year . . . no I don’t mean Christmas, I mean Fall of course.  Living in the Southwest, it’s easy to overlook Fall because it’s still in the triple digits, (that’s code for in the 100’s for non AZ readers) however, it’s the beginning of the holiday season.  You see it everywhere, the stores have Halloween decorations AND Christmas decorations out at the same time.  There are so many decorating options that it can almost be overwhelming to the design challenged.  COTS advice is to use what makes you happy.  WHAT?  you may say, what kind of advice is that?  Let me show you what I’m talking about.  I decorated my buffet and there’s a little bit of shabby chic with the white pumpkins, glam with the glittery silver pumpkins, country chic with the burlap prints, the hurricane glass pedestal brings in some Tuscan flavor and hiding in the back is the large glass vase filled with mini pumpkins, gourds and tall twigs which in a natural kind-of-way, brings it all together.  My point is, mixing the different styles in your home makes the overall design look effortless, and most importantly makes me happy.  Effortless styles is what COTS is all about!

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