Friday, June 8, 2012

COTS' first post.

Welcome to COTS' first blog post.  Brenda and I have been friends for a couple of years.  Both of us have a day job but also own our own businesses (TuTu Cute by mini M, Baby K Bugs and ShugaFix).  We were constantly exchanging ideas and joking with each other that we're "building empires" when one day one of us casually said, "We should start a business together."  I think at the time, we didn't give it a second thought as we both have busy lives but it didn't take much time when we thought, "Why not?"  This year is all about creating our business, test marketing different designs so we can officially launch our internet boutique in January 2013.  Part of creating a business is branding yourself, learning new skills such as blogging (BTW, I think there is a blog for absolutely everything), taking risks all while maintaining a good attitude.  We hope you enjoy our COTS journey!

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