On Monday, we took our “show on the road” to where else…Vegas, baby! Okay, maybe COTS is not really a road show but we did attend the annual Sourcing at Magic tradeshow. Let me tell you, it was an eye-opening experience. If you are a designer and/or buyer in the fashion industry, this tradeshow is for you! At times, we felt like fish out of water but we learned a lot and found some potential suppliers for items like ribbon, bags and hats. Although we may have been able to find the suppliers online, we are hands-on, 100% involved so we can see and touch everything, and besides, this particular portion of the tradeshow was free (who doesn’t like free), and we were excited to receive complimentary Square readers (again with the free), we got ideas for tea towel designs, and got to share some laughs on the flight home. We cannot wait to share our new ideas and designs with you, and if you’re local to the southwest, we have one you’ll LOVE! As with any growing business, we want to learn from our experiences and I learned to ALWAYS bring a cloth napkin everywhere I go (it’s just one of my things), and beware of the cab driver that will rip you off…correction, try to rip you off. COTS may be a new venture, and always learning but we will do our best to not be taken advantage of so we can pass all of our deals onto the best part of this ride, you, our customers.
Just a reminder, our next Central Farmers Market appearance will be Saturday, September 1st from 8:00 to Noon. As we are working towards launching our internet boutique soon, we are starting to narrow down our regular product line. If there’s anything you want us to start carrying, let us know.
Until next time, enjoy the rest of your week!